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The State of Threat Prevention: Evasive threats take Center Stage

Published by: Menlo Security

Digital transformation has rendered many traditional security solutions useless in the face of modern cyber threats.
The impact of the global pandemic resulted in a paradigm shift that drastically expanded attack surfaces as hybrid and remote working environments became the norm. Employees now spend most of their time working in the cloud, tapping into SaaS applications and other tools that are pivotal to productivity.
During the last ten years, cybercriminals have adapted to find new ways in which they can exploit and bypass legacy security systems. Consequently, there has been a surge in a new class of cyberthreats known as Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT).
Menlo Security conducted research to understand organizations' knowledge of these advanced threats, whether they are seeing more of them and how well equipped they are to deal with them. Download now to find out these results!

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Lang: ENG
Type: Whitepaper Length: 9 pages

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