Email Security

The Zero Trust Guide To Remote Worker Security
With the recent increase in the number of employees working from home as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak,...

Stopping BEC and EAC
Business email compromise (BEC) and email account compromise (EAC) are complex problems that require...

Alphabet Soup: Making Sense of XDR, EDR, NDR, and SIEM
XDR, EDR, NDR, and SIEM. They are among the most prominent acronyms in cybersecurity. But what do they...

Cybersecurity For Dummies
Advanced threats have changed the world of enterprise security and how organizations are attacked. These...

10 Endpoint Security Problems and How to Solve Them
Companies are facing massive cybersecurity challenges – many of which are rooted in the endpoint. In...

Microsoft Digital Defense Report
Over the past year the world has borne witness to a burgeoning cybercrime economy and the rapid rise...

Part Five - Futureproofing your cybersecurity strategy
Payment fraud occurs when a thief steals someone's payment information to make unauthorized transactions...

Reduce Alert Fatigue in Your IT Environment
Security teams are tasked with managing a huge volume of alert logs, and this noise can overwhelm any...
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